Imitating A Scanner Darkly's Rotoscope Look
Looking for an edgy look for that senior portrait? Check out this cool Illustrator technique for creating that rotoscoped look from the movie 'A Scanner Darkly' and the new Charles Schwab ( ads on TV.
Aaron Sacco, a freelance artist and animator on the film shows us how to take a photograph and transform it into a 'rotoscoped' looking image in Adobe Illustrator.

Aaron says he expects to spend 5 hours or so on an image as complex as the one above so this isn't a 'quick and easy' effect. However, for the right image, it might be worth your time investment.
Aaron Sacco, a freelance artist and animator on the film shows us how to take a photograph and transform it into a 'rotoscoped' looking image in Adobe Illustrator.

Aaron says he expects to spend 5 hours or so on an image as complex as the one above so this isn't a 'quick and easy' effect. However, for the right image, it might be worth your time investment.
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