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Tuesday, November 23, 2004



So, I've been a KMFDM fan since 1991. This is a very loud, very opinionated, industrial band which contributed to my hearing damage in the early nineties.

Last friday they finished their latest tour with a show in Sascha's hometown, Seattle. It was at the Fenix. I had to go.

The Fenix opened at 8pm. My friend Scott from work and I met there around 10pm. No since getting their early, KMFDM didn't go on until 11:30 or so.

Ok, LOUD! Very Loud! I could feel my liver quivering to the bass drum. Cool.

It was a good show. The tortureous part was listening to the warm up act, DJ Acucrack. The guy has energy but man, it's mostly noise.

KMFDM was in prime form although I think Sascha was a bit pissed or something. maybe he's always like that, I don't know the guy personally. Lucia, KMFDM's most recent female voice is an interesting, sexy minx. She has a great stage presence and can really scream. I'm listening to her debut solo album on my ipod now and you'd never think, listening to it, that she'd be part of KMFDM. What a different style. Of course, I'm sure Universal had a hand in taming her sound on this album. Obviously she is quite talented and diverse to be able to pull it off.

I haven't kept up with KMFDM since MDFMK came out so I went out to Silver Platters and picked up Attak and WWIII yesterday. Good stuff.

Did I mention that I was partially deaf for half of Saturday? Next time these middle aged ears are getting some ear plugs. But I'm still going to go again.


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