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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

March Seattle PUG Meeting - 3/23/06

Ok, so I've nailed down the details for the March Pictage User's Group meeting.  Due to some unforseen difficulties with the Shoreline Public Library's room reservation policy I've decided to make this month's meeting a spotlight on my humble studio in Everett.  I know it's a bit a drive for some of you but I promise to make it worth your while.  I have plenty of space and parking for all.  

My address is 10203 29th Ave SE, Everett, WA 98208.  Google maps does a fabulous job of getting you here.  Plan to come around 6pm, we'll kick off the meeting at 6:30.

Along with a studio tour and samples of my work on display we are also going to discuss the RAW workflow of Kevin Kubota since he was just in town and how it compares to Gary Fong's techniques of shooting JPG only.  I will also be detailing my RAID array system and explain why you too should have one. :D

So please, bring a friend, this group isn't all about Pictage.  It's about like minded photographer's sharing their ideas and creativity.

I hope to see you there!


Saturday, March 04, 2006

Aisa and David's new Baby, Gabrielle!

I photographed Gabrielle's birth story today! I barely got my espresso machine turned on and my cup filled with milk when I got a phone call from Keith, David and Aisa's good friend. "Aisa's in labor, 8cm, come to the hospital!" Wow! 8cm! I grabbed the camera bag and headed out the door, kissing the kids and my wife Sara on the way out. It was about a 20 minute drive to the hospital. I found their room easily and met all their friends and family. What a great bunch of people!

After 3 hours of pushing and a little help from the doctor, Gabrielle came into the world at 3:15pm today and is a healthy 7 lbs 2 oz. Aisa guessed her weight exactly!